
“My Story Can Beat Up Your Story!”, the book, is finally finished and delivered to the good guys over at Michael Wiese Publishing.  Early word is very encouraging.

I’m insanely proud of this book and I think people are going to be jazzed by the information in it.  It takes much of what I talk about on this site and in Contour and kicks it up to a higher level.  Much higher.  It includes chapters on theme, building a cast of characters that helps drive your story, designing the perfect Villain for your Hero (and vice versa), and it even includes an extensive business plan for launching a writing career.

The book is scheduled for publication in Spring, 2011.  A year off?!  I wish it could come out sooner.  Maybe if the publisher permits, as we get closer I’ll be able to sneak peek some chapters.

I’d like to thank all of you for the encouragement and kind words over the years, and I really can’t wait to hear what people think once the book is published.

The journey continues…

— Jeffrey Alan Schechter

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